This is an attempt to document Brainstorm Artists International, a record label that put out "good music with a spiritual element" in the late '80s and early '90s by groups like The 77's, Adam Again, Daniel Amos, Freedom of Soul, SFC, Undercover, and many others.
- There are four basic eras of the Brainstorm label. The first, when they were distributed by Word under the Broken label, is listed as 500-520.
- The second is when the Broken label reverted back to Maranatha! Music, and albums were released under the BAI/Brainstorm label through Word distribution. These releases are listed from 521-540.
- Later, the some were released by the WAL imprint by their distributor. These are included on the BAI/WAL page.
- Finally, Brainstorm was distributed through Diamante. Releases from this era are listed from 4000 to 4041.
- The albums on this site are listed in chronological order according to item number. All listings are for CDs except where noted.
Additionally, albums for the pre-BAI Broken Records, Blue Collar Records, and Ojo Taylor's post-BAI label Innocent Media have been listed.
Follow a link to an article by Ojo about the making of Branded and his work with other labels before the formation of BAI:
See the Wonderland tribute site!