This is an attempt to document Brainstorm Artists International, a record label that put out some of the best music in the late '80s and early '90s by groups like The 77's, Adam Again, Daniel Amos, Undercover, SFC and others. Further information, scans, and comments are welcome. Please email the webmaster at
- There are four basic eras of the Brainstorm label. The first, when they were distributed by Word under the "Broken Records" label, is listed as 500-520. (The item numbers have been simplified to make it easier to follow the progression of albums.)
- The second, is when the "Broken" label reverted back to Maranatha! Music, and albums were released under the BAI/Brainstorm label. These releases are listed from 521-540.
- Later, the label was consolidated into the WAL label by their distributor. These are included on the BAI/WAL page.
- Finally, Brainstorm was distributed through Diamante. Releases from this era are listed from 4000 to 4041.
- The albums on this site are listed in chronological order according to item number. All listings are for CDs except where noted.
Additionally, albums for the pre-BAI Broken Records, Blue Collar Records, and Joey Taylor's post-BAI Innocent Media have been listed.
New! News section added! Check out what's going on with The 77's reissue of Sticks and Stones and a new Steve Scott retrospective!
See the Wonderland tribute site! Find the link on the WAL page!